What Happens to Social Security Payments After a Person Dies?

Benjamin LongBeneficiaries, Social Security

“The Social Security Administration should be notified as soon as possible after a beneficiary dies. Depending on your relationship to the deceased, you may be …

There Are Rules for Social Security When Someone Dies

Benjamin LongSocial Security, Survivor Benefits

The Importance of Reporting a Death to Social Security “When a loved one passes away, there are usually various arrangements that need to be made. …

When Social Security Makes the Most Sense

Benjamin LongBenefits, Medicare, Social Security

Determining the Right Time to Claim Social Security Benefits “When should you sign up for Social Security? It is a good question. Many seniors grapple …

Social Security and Medicare and the Impact on Retiree Taxes

Benjamin LongIRA, Medicare, RMDs, Social Security

Navigating the Complexities of Retiree Taxes “Medicare has a series of income limits that trigger increasingly higher payments for retirees. And it’s not just the …

Working and Collecting Social Security Benefits

Benjamin LongBenefits, Social Security

Understanding the Impact of Working While Collecting Social Security Benefits“For most Americans, Social Security plays an important role in maintaining retirement security. The benefit payments …

What Must Be Done When a Loved One Dies?

Benjamin LongBeneficiaries, Credit Card, Estate Planning Attorney, Executor, Fiduciaries, Social Security, Wills

Navigating Financial Affairs After a Loved One’s Death “It can be hard to move through your daily life after someone you love dies. It may …

Steps To Take When a Loved One Dies

Benjamin LongEstate Planning, Executor, Social Security, Wills

Navigating Estate Management After a Loved One’s Death “When a member of your family dies, you could be left to pick up the financial pieces. …

Would an Early Retirement and Early Social Security Be Smart?

Benjamin LongEstate Planning, Gift Tax, Social Security

Options for Generating Income During the COVID-19 Crisis“For many older adults, claiming Social Security early would be a big mistake. It was a mistake made …

This Social Security Pit Could Be Costly and Stressful

Benjamin LongBenefits, Medicare, Social Security

Navigating Social Security and Avoiding Costly Pitfalls “The Social Security hell morphed into Medicare hell and, will, not doubt, morph into federal income tax hell …