Can You Increase Your Social Security Benefits?

Benjamin LongBenefits, Retirement

Maximizing Social Security Benefits: A Historical Perspective “All you have to do is type ‘maximize Social Security’ into Google or any other search engine and …

Do I Have To Pay Taxes During Retirement?

Benjamin LongBenefits, Estate Tax, Income Tax, Retirement

Understanding Taxes During Retirement “Some retirees may be surprised to learn that a portion of their Social Security benefits could be subject to federal income …

When Social Security Makes the Most Sense

Benjamin LongBenefits, Medicare, Social Security

Determining the Right Time to Claim Social Security Benefits “When should you sign up for Social Security? It is a good question. Many seniors grapple …

Working and Collecting Social Security Benefits

Benjamin LongBenefits, Social Security

Understanding the Impact of Working While Collecting Social Security Benefits“For most Americans, Social Security plays an important role in maintaining retirement security. The benefit payments …

This Social Security Pit Could Be Costly and Stressful

Benjamin LongBenefits, Medicare, Social Security

Navigating Social Security and Avoiding Costly Pitfalls “The Social Security hell morphed into Medicare hell and, will, not doubt, morph into federal income tax hell …