Top 10 Reasons To Get Going on an Estate Plan
Importance of Estate Planning
“It took my husband Mike's heart attack to force us to recognize the need for having an estate plan. It was not smart. You are smarter than that. Create an estate plan today.”
The time to have an estate plan really begins the moment you have assets that need to be distributed, but most people put off this important task. There are more than ten good reasons to talk with an estate planning attorney and get your estate plan in order, says the article “Top ten reasons to create an estate plan today” from, but these ten should be compelling enough to get you started.
Don't Wait for an Emergency to Plan
Protecting Your Minor Children
Fair Distribution of Assets
Avoiding Premature Inheritance Issues
Strengthening Relationships Through Estate Planning
Demonstrating Love and Commitment
Building Trust with Key Individuals
Ensuring Involvement in Your College-Age Children's Health Care
Adapting to Changing Circumstances
New Laws Make Estate Planning More Accessible
Facing Mortality and Being Prepared
Utilizing Extra Time to Plan for the Future
Contact our estate planning lawyers, and get it done. There’s no time like the present.
Reference: (April 15, 2020) “Top ten reasons to create an estate plan today”
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Estate Planning Legacy Planner
Everyday, we work with people who have lost someone they care about. There is so much these folks have to organize and manage. This planner organizes the information they will most need, in our experience, saving so much time and unnecessary cost. Besides organizing your information, it's so important to have a good estate plan that will keep your family out of court and conflict.
Please use the button below to receive a free copy of our Estate Planning Legacy Planner, an organization tool essential to any estate plan designed to help your loved ones take care of you and handle your affairs.