Becky Stutzman
Certified ParalegalRebecca I. Stutzman has 24 years of experience as a paralegal in the area of probate and estate planning. She is a 1969 graduate of the Lincoln School of Commerce, Lincoln, Nebraska, and in 1978 completed the examination process to attain the designation “Certified Paralegal,” a national certification sponsored by the National Association of Legal Assistants.
Becky worked as an assistant trust officer for 5 years in the trust department of a local bank and in 1993 completed the required course of study from the School of Trust and Financial Planning sponsored by the Kansas Bankers Association.
Becky has served as a member of the Advisory Board for Paralegal Studies at a local college which helped to develop the paralegal curriculum for maintaining ABA accreditation. She has held many offices of the Heartland Association of Legal Assistants, including the office of President.