How Does an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust Work?
Understanding Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts in Estate Planning
The Purpose and Benefits of IDGTs
Key Features of an Irrevocable Trust
The Tax Implications of an IDGT
An IDGT allows you to permanently remove assets from your estate. The assets are then managed by a trustee, who is a fiduciary and is responsible for managing the trust for the beneficiaries. All of this is written down in the trust documents.
However, what makes an IDGT trust different, is how assets are treated for tax purposes. The IDGT lets you transfer assets outside of your estate, which lets you avoid paying estate and gift taxes on the assets.
Why "Defective" is a Benefit in IDGTs
Income Tax Responsibilities for the Grantor
Estate and Gift Tax Exemptions with IDGTs
However, there’s a reason for that. The creation of an IDGT trust freezes the assets in the trust. Since it is irrevocable, the assets stay in the trust until the owner dies. During the owner’s lifetime, the assets can continue to appreciate in value and are free from any transfer taxes. The owner pays taxes on the assets while they are living, and children or grandchildren don’t get stuck with paying the taxes after the owner dies. Typically, no estate tax applies on death with an IDGT.
Whether there is a gift tax upon the owner’s death will depend upon the value of the assets in the trust and whether the owner has used up his or her lifetime generation-skipping tax exemption limit.
Establishing and Funding an IDGT
Working with an Estate Planning Attorney
Funding Methods for an IDGT Trust

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