Five Top Reasons To Add Beneficiaries to Investment Accounts
The Importance of Adding Beneficiaries to Investment Accounts
Easing Administrative Burdens for Loved Ones
Bypassing Probate for a Faster Inheritance Process
Reducing Emotional Stress During Grieving
Probating an estate usually involves going to court, which is something your beneficiaries would probably prefer not to deal with during a challenging time. A typical probate case could last a year, sometimes longer, depending on where you live. During this time, your beneficiaries are not able to access their inheritance. Going to court also means court fees, attorney fees, lost time, and additional stress.
Let’s not leave out how much of a bite probate can take out of your estate. Depending on its complexity, probate can consume anywhere from 0.5% to 5% of the estate.
Key Considerations for Beneficiary Designations
How Beneficiary Designations Override Wills
The Consequences of Outdated Beneficiary Information
Simple Steps to Update or Establish Beneficiaries
Special Rules for Retirement Account Beneficiaries
Spousal Consent and Waivers for Retirement Assets
State Laws Affecting Spousal Rights to IRAs

Estate Planning Legacy Planner
Everyday, we work with people who have lost someone they care about. There is so much these folks have to organize and manage. This planner organizes the information they will most need, in our experience, saving so much time and unnecessary cost. Besides organizing your information, it's so important to have a good estate plan that will keep your family out of court and conflict.
Please use the button below to receive a free copy of our Estate Planning Legacy Planner, an organization tool essential to any estate plan designed to help your loved ones take care of you and handle your affairs.